MAX @ School - December 17, 2004 journal

December 17, 2004
Venice Beach, California, USA

11:22am. "This puts all 15 intelligence agencies under one director," says a lady on the radio about King George's new guy to fight the boogie man.

A hero of mine spoke at the Venice Grassroots Council a few nights ago. I read an article she wrote a couple years ago called Narco dallors for dummies, about how the US is the world leader in drug money laundering, and how no one really wants to stop it cuz it supports the stock market in a big way. This is a very brave woman who I respect greatly. The men in black have been following her for many years making her life hell, but she continues. Her life is like the movie Enemy of the State, she says. I took down a bunch of quotes from her talk and our conversations afterward, but I don't have time to share them now as my friend needs her computer. visit

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***Catherine's enlightening words are now in the January 14, 2005 journal