Hi Max, I am considering teaching in Coahuila, Mexico for a year just for the fun of it. Now, I've seen your site and read your mexico experience. Thanks for the idea. And your site is cool.

I currently work as a corporate finance officer in large multinational company in the Philippines. And just figured out to disappear from the finance world and hide off to mexico and live anonymously doing what I love doing - teaching.


My name is John, I am a 4th year medical student in California. I feel a little guilty never having written you before, as I have been reading your journal entries for the past four years now. Other than when I have been out traveling, I doubt I have gone more than a week without logging into your site. In fact, its pretty much a habit. Even before I check my own email I go to your site to see if you have left any new entries. You have definitely had an impact on me. Over the years you have inspired me to do what I can to develop new skills and maximize my time on this planet. Had I been younger when I started reading your journal IÕm sure I would have delayed medical school in order to gain more life experience. Growing up, I always felt that there was some mystical experience out there waiting for me, something that would help me make sense of life, give me wisdom. I had the desire for adventure, but I lacked the imagination to make it happen. You are giving people like me an example of what is possible.


cory. sometimes reading your journals make me cry. sometimes its because of the emotion that comes through in your pictures. sometimes its because of the people in them, and what they have overcome. sometimes its because of the people in them and what they are doing, the differences they are trying to make, the awareness they choose to have. sometimes its because i miss you! and sometimes its because i feel inadequate, looking at all of these things and people and thinking that i have not yet put emphasis on the right things in my life or made much of a difference in the world. i feel like i should know how to do that by now, although i still feel like i'm not quite sure. you and your journals, and the people in them always give me inspiration to be a better person, but i don't know what that means in the context of my life. i will continue to search though, and thats all i can do i guess. much thanks, and love to you...suzy

Max, I was beginning to wonder if you were taking a hiatus from your journal as the updates were few and far between. Of course I realize that itÕs a lot more than just sitting down at the keyboard and typing in your thoughts. IÕm guilty of the same thing myself. Preaching living life and doing it are 2 completely different things entirely. When I think of the things I could have accomplished in the amount of time and effort that Kath and I have put into our on journal it boggles the mind. Of course thatÕs all part of it isnÕt it. We love reading your journal. ItÕs like waiting for your favorite T.V. show to come on once a weekÉwe feel the same about your updates. I had to chuckle when I read your March 14 entry. Kathy and I saw Honeymoon Suite many years ago in Kansas City at Memorial Hall when they opened for Journey. We hadnÕt thought of those guys in years. We had to dig out their CDÕs after reading about them again. Man did that bring back memories.


Your site makes me wonder what I am doing here at work at the same job in graphics for the last 14 years. It's great that you have had/are having such an adventure and I want to do the same type of thing. Nowadays, many people of my age group (early 40s) are finding for whatever reason, mid life crisis, getting out of a relationship, financial security, whatever, that they are ready for a real adventure.

My excuse for browsing your site is the search for kayak photos for a dive/kayak brochure for my sister's company in Vancouver, BC, Canada, but I have gotten very sidetracked! However you do have some great photos.

Very inspiring and funny.


I don't know where you are in your travels, but keep this in mind. In this mornings paper there is a story of person who while sailing in mexican waters was approached by two individuals who requested water. when the sailor went to get it, he was knocked unconscious and his throat was cut. He awoke covered with blood and his boat was on the rocks. he survived through the assistance of some good local fishermen.

Denny Bean

Your site is intriguing. I must say that you have made me think about my goals in life!

ruud merks

I wish you the best of luck in finding what countless others have journeyed to find and few have truly found.

Jeremy Parker

I have looked at all of the websites that I can find that are dedicated to "ongoing travelogues" or, as I like to call them, "digital adventures". I stand up and applaud you because your site is by far the best and most entertaining. Your layout and graphic design is superb and you have the ability to cut through the bullshit and touch on issues that stir emotion. Most of the other digital adventure sites are confusing, boring, poorly constructed and quite one-dimensional.

Keep it up, you are an inspiration.

Best regards,

Aaron Thies
The Rig

I am a teacher stuck inside on a beautiful San Diego day. We are being forced to play with the computer to find "new and interesting" web sites for our children. Luckily I stumbled upon your site. Your trip sounds like something my 5th graders would enjoy, so my day was not totally wasted.

Have fun and thanks for letting us come along.

Christine Darton

After hearing you interviewed on CBC radio, I felt compelled to check out your site and to let you know how impressed I am with what you are doing with your life. You are a true adventurer and inspiration to all. I look forward to catching up on all your adventures.

Go hard, play safe and may God bless!

Judy Young
New Brunswick

It felt so good writing you the last email..You don't know how bad that bugged me. Thank you for clearing some stuff up for me. I feel better writing you... I want to thank you for leting me write you whatever is on my mind..You help me out so much just knowing your right there..I guess you can say your support..I don't really have that anywhere else..I can't wait to adventure with you..


I've been an avid follower of your web site since I discovered it in Jan or Feb of this year. You're doing an AMAZING job, and I admire you for it.

I just did a presentation on Information Systems which highlighted your site. MAX @ School was my content, with how you educate the world thru the internet and your website. My presentation got rave reviews and a lot of my colleagues have since checked out your site and spread the word to others. One of these others happens to be a like-minded school teacher, who is now going to check your site everyday for his class so his kids can check up on your progress!

Just wanted you to know that what you are doing IS making a difference, and in those down times, please have comfort in knowing that this matters to alot of people!!!

Yours in Adventure,

Dave "Captain Lou" Albano

I checked out your web site and it's definitely one of the coolest web sites I've ever seen. I mean other web sites have like more graphics and java and shit... but the crap they write about sucks... Damn, you've lived!

Darrin Nix

I think what you're doing is cool and want to mention your website in a new textbook I'm doing entitled "Learning and Teaching in Cyberspace" to be published by Wadsworth Publishing Company next January. I am using your main web page screen as an illustration in a chapter on exemplary examples of online learning.

Keep up the adventure!

Greg Kearsley, PhD

P.S. The content of the book can be examined by viewing the preliminary web site.


I just met you recently at the KV Access Centre but did not realize the magic of your journey until now. The images, the stories, and there is something more -something mysterious and wondrous- conveyed in a simple web page. Living a dream and how sweet it is simply to be.

I would like to add a link to your site to my on-line discussion group that I have just recently published to the web. You have provided an opening in my vision and truly inspired me to allow my dreams to manifest.

Safe journey, MAX!

Jason Harper

I have just spent three days reading all of your journals up to the most recent one in Mexico in April. Your story is absolutely amazing. What an adventure!

Good luck with the rest of your journey. Keep up the work on the website. It's the best travelogue website I have ever read.

London England

Hey maaannnnn!

Well... I recently heard your views on CBC radiostation-very interesting. Your approach to life is not new but i believe your nature is unlike others who seek into the same piece of life that you create. I am an 18 yr. old female finishing last year of high school....tearing my mind over what university, career choice, money, blah blah.......we all know the drill. Well I have to thank you because I have been told time after time "do what you desire" and it began to sound like broken record. THEN I heard you and it was so genuine, somewhat filled with a guarantee. For what it is worth you have helped me to take the baby step into a new birth. Next June instead of sticking my nose in a book and reading cloudy words on wet pages trying to lead the ideal little university life-which I would have no use for, I am traveling to Australia from Canada, and taking it from there. You gave the kick in the ass to get that last hesitation confirmed with no doubt--- I CAN DO IT :).

Thank you, not just for inspiration but for being yourself, and trying to share the up side of life.

little chicky named FRAN.

Hello Solo MAX!

My name is Heidi, you know, the girl you met on the bus in the west island in Montreal? Well when I got home after making your acquaintance, I got onto the net to check out your site. I think what your doing is amazing, it's one thing to sit and dream, but to actually follow through with your fantasy is quit heroic in my opinion. to engage in to a journey looking to find yourself seems both terrifying and exhilarating. I hope that you have been able to find what you are looking for. One of your callings is definitely being able to "see". Your gallery is proof of that. The photographs you have taken seem to have a lot of passion involved. I assume that you are really having the time of your life. Anyway, I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that you and your story have given a girl from Beaconsfield, a little bit of needed inspiration to listen to her heart and follow through with her dreams.

I'll let you know when my journey begins!


Having just stumbled onto your excellent web site... I just wanted to say... few are able to do what you do, and fewer still have the strength to question what they may do. So many miss what life itself is truly about.

Shine on, cause I think you 'get it'.....and very few do.

Take Care,
From an office plebe

Shalom (Hello in Hebrew) MAX.

I just finished reading, in an Israeli newspaper, an article about you tour journey and your web site. it reminded me the times i traveled by my self away from home. your journey is cool and inspiring I'll read your letters here in Israel.

Roi Prital
Kibbutz Maale Hahamisha

Hey man... awesome site.

Your so lucky to be doing what you love all the time with no one to tell you what to do or where to go. You must be having the time of your life. I don't think you know me but I went to school with you at SJHS, my names Steven Doiron, I think you used to rock climb with my brother too (Kevin Doiron). Anyway just wanted to let you know your site has really inspired my to shoot for my dream even harder then I am now. Filmmaking is my passion, it's all I want to do, I love it. Anyway great site, keep doing what you love and email me back and let me know how your doing...

Steven Doiron

Hi, I am a 16 year old girl from Quispamsis, New Brunswick. I got the site from my aunt who knows your mother. I just wanted to write to tell you that I think what you are doing is great. It must be amazing to see so many things and experience new adventures every day. I've always said that I am going to do something like that when I graduate next year. Knowing that you have done it and really enjoy it makes my dream become more and more like a reality every day. Keep going, and we hope to see you back in Saint John soon. You're really an inspiration.



Checked out your site and was impressed. Stunning graphics and photos, and enthralling content.

May you continue to have excellent adventures.

Ree Dolloff

Your journal is awesome... man oh man oh man....


I read about five of your journal entries and they really captiviate me ....as adventures of a person trying to learn something. I would love to work with kids exploring honest, raw, and exciting web-pages like yours. I will keep an eye on your whereabouts, especially as the school year starts.

Meanwhile, I wish you all the luck in the world, and dolphins to guide you!

Evol, Mit

I was very impressed by your site, and fascinated by your experiences! I haven't had time to read through them all, but the ones I did were extremely entertaining and educational. You're doing something I would love to do... except for the kayaking!

Good luck and God bless in your adventures!

Jennifer Clark

Wow... I'm jealous! You have one hell of trip spread out on your pages... Great stuff! Nice looking pages. You're really pouring your heart into this.

Big World Magazine

It was great to check out your site. You sound like a fascinating person, and your adventure makes me very envious. I really enjoyed looking through the photos and reading the accompanying stories about them. Great work! I look forward to keeping up to date with your travels...............Good Luck!

Jeremy J Wood

I was at school tonight and ran into a girl that I haven't seen in years. She told me about your web site and how she had met you while on her honey moon. I came home and looked up your site. I have to tell you how impressed I am by your life. I have been sitting here for the past hour and a half, looking at the pictures and reading your stories. Very few people would have the courage and the will to do what you are doing. I can't begin to tell you how incredible I really think it is! You have definitely inspired me!

I started rock climbing this year, and I totally love it. Kayaking is something that I have been wanting to try as well. After seeing your web site, I am defiantly much more psyched about it. I will be visiting your site more often. It will be neat to see how your journey progresses. Take care and know that when you are out kayaking, climbing, surfing, or at the hospital getting stitched up from some sort of miss-hap.............people you have never met are thinking to themselves, "I wonder where Max is right now?" I think that is neat. There are millions of people out there, and to most they are never even known to exist. You exist in the minds of many people that you will never know. Kind of weird if you think about it! I agree with you 100%. You live only once, and too many people let life pass them by. A lot of people get caught up in careers, parental expectations, etc. You made me think a little more about my life and what is really important to me.

Take Care.

Emily Muller

This is great!!!!!!! It is awesome, this journey, the site, everything! wow!!! I recently came across your site, and I have been reading your journals ever since. I'm reading them in order right from the start. Currently I'm at Oct. 28/97, you were at Hearst Castle.

You are an inspiration to us all! I'm currently working a 9 to 5 job, just punching time, it is terrible. I'm not doing what I really want to do with my life (hey, I'm not sure I have even figured out what I want to do with my life??!!).

Your sense of adventure, your abandonment of the so-called norm is WILD! I wish I had the balls that you have, just to be able to throw caution to the wind and go where ever. You are living life, as opposed to going through the motions. Keep it up! Keep it up for all of us that don't, keep it up for all of us that wish we could, most importantly keep it up for yourself!!!

Can't wait to see how it all turns out!

Newfoundland, Canada

Great story ..... too bad your motives weren't honorable. After what all those people did for you on your trip... you didn't want to go help others ....... even after others had helped you..... you should be ashamed of yourself. Read the following carefully !!

Two mornings ago, Saturday the 6th, the following day after arriving here in Goleta, Tellef dropped by with his friends, Chris, and Annie, to see if I would like to go with them to a help out at a local charity for needy families. I had a lot of work to do, but decided to go anyway ...just so I could add it to my list of experiences. We went to a place called the Unity Shop, a store where families can get groceries and Christmas gifts for free. It is more like a real grocery store than a food bank. We spent most of our time there sorting through box, after box, after box of donated food, putting the cans of Cream of Mushroom in the soups bin... the tuna in the meats bin... the tomato paste in the tomato products bin... and the packages of spaghetti in the miscellaneous bin.

Cape Kid

I received your web address from my friend, Alena Stephens, who met you in Texas. I think what you are doing is amazing! I also think it is great that you are posting your journal on the internet for the world to see. It offers great insight and inspiration. I would like to wish you the best of luck! Thank you for sharing your journey with me.

Ashlie Pritchett
Kokomo/Bloomington Indiana

I am completing my degree from the University of Toronto in Environmental Studies. You are doing what a lot of individuals only dream of, including myself. However I hope to combine my love of paddling with my thesis next summer. Keep on exploring and following your dreams.

Greg McDonald

Just finished reading your journal entries. Amazing story! I'll definately keep checking in.

Even though I received my education via the "traditional route", I really envy you and the journey you are on. You represent the dreams of those of us who are too afraid to break out of our office cubicles and DO something with our life. I plan on doing the same soon... very soon.

Good luck with the rest of your trip!


Hi MAX, My name is Alona. I'm 17 and I live in the old city of Jerusalem, in Israel. I read the newspaper this week and encountered a fascinating article about people like yourself who are traveling the world with a computer to keep people posted. I'm fascinated by your trip and by your goal and "mission", although I doubt I'd be one of the people to follow it. It's a wonderful thing which you're doing (I'm sure you hear that a lot), but if everyone really just traveled the world there would be no where to go visit (everything would be a no-man's land -although I'm not too sure if that's so bad) and you most certainly wouldn't be able to keep up your site (since there would not be too many people who would CHOOSE to work as software manufacturers, etc...). BUT since there is no chance that everyone will suddenly become wondering troubadours (my spelling is this bad since my main language is Hebrew), you are doing a great thing. Because if 10 or 50 or even 300 people really become inspired enough to do what they REALLY want they will become truly happy people. And as such they will be sure to influence the lives of everyone they meet, as honestly satisfied people do. So please continue your journey safely. I'm sure one day, when your travels are through (if in two years and if in thirty) you will become a very whole person, and give a lot to any family which you may form.

Israel-- the holy land

Hi. It is John Wylie. Where are you today MAX?! Is your name an adopted name or your real name. I bet you 0.00 dollars that it is. I just can't wait to go to your school. My mom says it sounds like funnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!

e-mail me at Johnny@****.net


My name is Deb. I'm a 29 year old brit. I know nothing about kayaking, but love to read about peoples travels and experiences...and I think your journal is brilliant, and funny! ....Loved the Dracula insert ...hehehe!!

Just wanted to say..... I really admire you and I hope you are learning all about you and what makes you tick! ....this is my aim too and its a scary mission....but one I need to do... to achieve more than just an existance!!!

Take care....Be safe....and hey if ya get the time if ya not photographing dead bodies or climbing mountains... drop me an email to let me know how ya get’n on!!!!


What an absolutely fantastic adventure this must be for you! Grand landscape vistas, ocean travel, inland waterways, people, things, comfort, pain, the whole nine yards. Just imagine if all of us could expend a moment in time to investigate the real truth behind the mask. A better place to live would be the outcome.

Thank you for showing me a small piece of life beyond the gate, and the sole of an adventurer. There are so few of you left. I hope that your travels will bring you what you seek to find, but I think you already know what it is you need to know.

Respectfully; a fellow adventurer at heart...

Mike Tombs

I'm Fran, a 14 year old delinquinte, who lives in Nova Scotia, Canada. I think what you're doing is great! Plus, everybody else can come along for the ride. I haven't had time to REALLY delve into your site yet, but I'm really interested in your slide show...

Your journals are great! I really liked the hippy one, from San Fran. keep up the adventures!


Fantastic show! The experiences you had, and the people you had the pleasure of meeting made that part of the trip most exciting. Blending them all together with such great photos made it a special experience for us. Thank's for shareing the excitement.

Ross and Lois
Sussex, NB, Canada

MAX, Your show last night was excellent. Very motivating and inspiring. You have a new follower. Congratulations and have fun!


I love the way you are going about finding your real self. I live in Hawaii and attend kaumana elemantary school. I am going to the 5th grade. I enjoy coming to your web site and lerning about your kayaking trip.

I'll hear form you later friend!!
Aloha ( Love in hawaiian)

Your journey is exciting and interesting, and I will be following you for the next few years. When I started reading about your expedition...I could not stop untill your last entry on Feb 14 in Costa Mesa. I hope you are safe and healthy... and able to continue on your quest.

When you get to Southeast Texas on the Gulf coast, my wife and I would be happy to put you up for a few days.

Ken Bahr

