September 2, 1997
Bandon, Oregon, USA

This morning, when I arrived back at my tent, I found three park rangers ready to confiscate all my gear. They had been waiting for me all morning. I knew I wasn’t supposed to camp on that beach, but I figured I’d be gone before they found out I was there. "We never want to see you camping here again..." they told me. "I don’t think that will be a problem." I replied.

Shortly after setting out, I paddled past a massive colony of seal lions sun-bathing on rocks two hundred feet off shore. They didn’t even notice me until I had already paddled straight through the middle of them. It is an amazing feeling to get that close to such large wild animals.

Today, I had a 20 knot north wind at my back, and I expect it to continue for the next two days. I should be in California by the end of the week if it keeps up. I surfed the whole way down here. I was catching waves one after another. I may have been moving about 6 or seven miles an hour. That’s fast. I normally travel half that speed.

I’m presently in the hotel room of a photographer I met on the beach tonight. I found him shooting pictures of my kayak, and asked him if he would like to join me for supper. I was making pasta with chunks of steak. He said yes, then 15 minutes later, asked me if I wanted to go out to eat. He took me out for Mexican food, then afterwards we came here to the hotel to get my email.

Tomorrow is a 30 mile day, so I need sleep big time.